package io.gitlab.jfronny.breakme.crash.unsafe; import io.gitlab.jfronny.breakme.BreakMe; import io.gitlab.jfronny.breakme.crash.CrashProvider; import; //import java.lang.foreign.*; //import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle; // //import static java.lang.foreign.ValueLayout.*; public class WinApiProvider implements CrashProvider { private native void CrashWindows_Native(); @Override public void crash() { // try { // // Alternate Panama-based implementation // // To be tested and enabled once panama is out of preview // System.loadLibrary("ntdll"); // // // Anonymous class with utility methods // var n = new Object() { // private final Linker linker = Linker.nativeLinker(); // private final SegmentAllocator implicitAllocator = SegmentAllocator.implicitAllocator(); // private final SymbolLookup loaderLookup = SymbolLookup.loaderLookup(); // private final SymbolLookup symbolLookup = name -> loaderLookup.lookup(name).or(() -> linker.defaultLookup().lookup(name)); // // MethodHandle downcallHandle(String name, FunctionDescriptor fdesc) { // return symbolLookup.lookup(name). // map(addr -> linker.downcallHandle(addr, fdesc)). // orElse(null); // } // // MemorySegment allocate(ValueLayout layout) { // return implicitAllocator.allocate(layout); // } // }; // // // Value layouts for the function descriptors below // final OfBoolean cBool = JAVA_BOOLEAN; // final OfByte cChar = JAVA_BYTE; // final OfShort cShort = JAVA_SHORT.withBitAlignment(16); // final OfInt cInt = JAVA_INT.withBitAlignment(32); // final OfInt cLong = JAVA_INT.withBitAlignment(32); // final OfLong cLongLong = JAVA_LONG.withBitAlignment(64); // final OfFloat cFloat = JAVA_FLOAT.withBitAlignment(32); // final OfDouble cDouble = JAVA_DOUBLE.withBitAlignment(64); // final OfAddress cPointer = ADDRESS.withBitAlignment(64); // // // Function definitions for rtlAdjustPrivilege and ntRaiseHardError // // IntPtr RtlAdjustPrivilege(int Privilege, bool bEnablePrivilege, bool IsThreadPrivilege, out bool PreviousValue); // // typedef NTSTATUS(NTAPI *pdef_RtlAdjustPrivilege)(ULONG Privilege, BOOLEAN Enable, BOOLEAN CurrentThread, PBOOLEAN Enabled); // final FunctionDescriptor rtlAdjustPrivilege$fd = FunctionDescriptor.of(cInt, cInt, cBool, cPointer); // final MethodHandle rtlAdjustPrivilege = n.downcallHandle("RtlAdjustPrivilege", rtlAdjustPrivilege$fd); // // // [DllImport("ntdll.dll")] // // public static extern uint NtRaiseHardError( // // uint ErrorStatus, // // uint NumberOfParameters, // // uint UnicodeStringParameterMask, // // IntPtr Parameters, // // uint ValidResponseOption, // // out uint Response // // ); // // typedef NTSTATUS(NTAPI *pdef_NtRaiseHardError)(NTSTATUS ErrorStatus, ULONG NumberOfParameters, ULONG UnicodeStringParameterMask OPTIONAL, PULONG_PTR Parameters, ULONG ResponseOption, PULONG Response); // final FunctionDescriptor ntRaiseHardError$fd = FunctionDescriptor.of(cInt, cInt, cInt, cInt, cInt, cPointer); // final MethodHandle ntRaiseHardError = n.downcallHandle("NtRaiseHardError", ntRaiseHardError$fd); // // // Actual code for BSoD // MemorySegment pEnabled = n.allocate(cBool); // rtlAdjustPrivilege.invokeExact(19, true, false, pEnabled); // // MemorySegment pResponse = n.allocate(cInt); // ntRaiseHardError.invokeExact(0xc0000022, 0, 0, 0, 6, pResponse); // } catch (Throwable e) { // BreakMe.LOGGER.error("Could not create BSoD", e); // return; // } try { // Old implementation using DLL NativeUtils.loadLibraryFromJar("/native/natives.dll"); this.CrashWindows_Native(); } catch (IOException e) { BreakMe.LOGGER.error("Could not load windows native", e); } } }